Schadenfreude (EN / Japan Import)
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Schadenfreude – das außergewöhnliche Stichspiel, in dem der 2. Platz gewinnt.
+++ Es handelt sich bei diesem Artikel um einen limitierten Japan Import. Der Container ist bereits auf dem Weg zu uns und wird nach Ankunft umgehend an euch versendet +++
- 50 Karten
- 4 scoring boards
- 5 Scoring marker
- Instruction manual (Japan)
- Instruction manual (English)
This is a must-follow trick-taking game. There are four suits: sword, flag, shield and helmet. Each suit has a number from "-3" to "9" (12 cards each). The number of cards used depends on the number of players.
Follow the suit of the lead player. The player with the second highest number of suits is the one who wins the trick. The player with the highest number of tricks wins all the cards he or she played and all the "unfollowed" cards on the table. If no one follows up, the same applies. The player gets his or her cards plus all unfollowed cards.
The number on the acquired cards is the score. A "7" is worth 7 points, and a "-2" is worth -2 points. However, if two cards have the same number, they are discarded immediately. (In this case, only the numbers are used, not the colors.)
The game ends when a player exceeds 40 points after a few games. The player with more than 40 points loses the game, and the remaining player with the highest score The player with the highest score wins.
This is the 2n Edition of the game. The only change from the 2nd edition is the box and card design. The rules are the same as the previous version.

Studio Turbine
150 g