Unmatched Adventures - Tales to Amaze (EN)
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Unmatched Adventures: Tales to Amaze, which is themed around the pulp adventures, tall tales, and local legends of the mid-20th century, gives you a whole new way to play Unmatched.
In the game, players work together to defeat one of two villains: Mothman or the Martian Invader. Each villain has a unique battlefield with unique objectives. If the villain completes their objective (or defeats the heroes), the players lose. The villains are aided by a number of possible minions: Jersey Devil, Ant Queen, Loveland Frog, The Blob, Tarantula, and Skunk Ape. The enemies use special action cards and a simple targeting scheme to control their movement and attacks.
The set comes with four new heroes: Nikola Tesla discharges his electrified coils to power up his effects; Annie Christmas gets stronger when she's fighting from behind; The Golden Bat, the world's first superhero, has a variety of powerful effects; and Dr. Jill Trent, Science Sleuth, calls on a collection of gizmos.
Keeping to the Unmatched brand, you may use heroes from other Unmatched sets in Unmatched Adventures, and you can use the included heroes and battlefields to play competitive Unmatched.

29cm x 29cm x 6.8cm
1770 g